/*--================= footer cart script =============*/
/* calculat height and add padding in existing footer*/
var fcartHeight = $('.footer-cart').outerHeight();
"padding-bottom": fcartHeight
/* calculat height set totop arrow */
"bottom": fcartHeight + 5
/* work toggle and changing the text on button */
$(".expand-btnouter").click(function() {
var fcartClosebtn = $('.footer-cart').find(".fcclose");
var fcartOpenbtn = $('.footer-cart').find(".fcopen");
$(fcartClosebtn).html('<span class="fcarctext">Click to Collapse</span><span class="fcarticon"><i class="fa fa-minus"></i></span>');
$(fcartOpenbtn).html('<span class="fcarctext">Click to Expand</span><span class="fcarticon"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i></span>');
/*--================= footer cart script =============*/
/* calculat height and add padding in existing footer*/
var fcartHeight = $('.footer-cart').outerHeight();
"padding-bottom": fcartHeight
/* calculat height set totop arrow */
"bottom": fcartHeight + 5
/* work toggle and changing the text on button */
$(".expand-btnouter").click(function() {
var fcartClosebtn = $('.footer-cart').find(".fcclose");
var fcartOpenbtn = $('.footer-cart').find(".fcopen");
$(fcartClosebtn).html('<span class="fcarctext">Click to Collapse</span><span class="fcarticon"><i class="fa fa-minus"></i></span>');
$(fcartOpenbtn).html('<span class="fcarctext">Click to Expand</span><span class="fcarticon"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i></span>');
/*--================= footer cart script =============*/
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